Understanding Consumer Behavior & the Psychology of Promotions

marketing psychology

Consumer psychology is a potent force shaping purchasing decisions. Promotional marketing taps into the fascinating world of the science behind consumers’ decisions using insights, studies, and marketing psychology to influence buying decisions. Marketers can develop campaigns that resonate with customers and yield optimal results by understanding the factors that compel consumers to act. The Science […]

How Effective are Promotional Products for Schools?

beMarketing's Education Division provides digital marketing solutions for schools, charter schools, colleges & universities

Offering promotional products at your educational institution is a valuable marketing tool that can be used to generate awareness, foster unity, promote events or initiatives, ignite school spirit, and entice potential students to attend your university. Gone are the days when schools would simply pass out pens or pencils with their logo on them; in […]

Promotional Marketing for the Holiday Season

If your business relies on e-commerce branding, there’s no time more pivotal to capitalize on than the holiday season. Children are creating their wish lists, co-workers and family members are exchanging presents, and people are actively searching for something new and unique to wrap up and put under the tree! Where are they looking? Well, […]

3 Reasons Why Promotional Products Can Help Boost Business

It’s important for any business to understand the importance of promotional and marketing strategies to be successful, as it’s what establishes a relationship with consumers. One cost-effective, simple strategy to implement is the use of promotional products. Nearly 7 of 10 brands find promotional products effective in achieving marketing goals. Utilizing promotional products as a […]