With so many aspects to marketing, it’s difficult for some businesses to prioritize and determine what tactics will ultimately bring them the most success. First and foremost, a company (no matter what size) must develop and maintain a consistent brand identity. Creating a recognizable representation of your brand helps illustrate to the public a company’s product or niche, and highlights what sets it apart from its competitors. A company’s brand effects many major aspects, including marketing and public relation efforts, logo and promotional material, communication efforts and core values. Branding is just about as equally as important as the product itself. It attaches a personality and attitude to the product and ultimately the company that produces it. People then relate to this personality and establish a relationship, encouraging brand loyalty. The establishment of brand consistency creates a platform for the company to stand on in order to get its messages out. Establishing and maintaining a recognizable and trusted brand is a true art form, and is easy to not get right. We will discuss a number of companies that are accomplishing this precisely. Some of the companies with the more effective branding imaging are, by no surprise, some of the most successful. Among them are Wells Fargo, Google, Verizon and Target.
Together, We’ll Go Far.
Wells Fargo is a great example of brand communication done traditionally and straightforward. Its promotional materials focuses on its core values: strong ethics and customer service priorities. Wells Fargo keeps consistent with the same font, color and logo across all marketing platforms. The company has established its historic stagecoach as its ever-present symbol of historic tradition and commitment to excellence. Wells Fargo holds to spot as the 23rd largest company in the U.S. today. Internet users anywhere know and recognize Google, as it uses the same typeface and design elements across every aspect of its marketing platforms.
Search, Ads & Apps
In a world dominated by social media Google has notably had a presence on every single social networking site from the very beginning. Google has managed to keep its brand image consistent amid a flurry of developments. Google has morphed from a simple search engine to the internet-dominating titan that it is today, with success being attributed greatly due to their brand consistency.
America’s Largest & Most Reliable Wireless Network
Verizon holds the title for being the largest wireless carrier in the U.S. The telecommunications company conducts an integrated marketing campaign that focuses on a young demographic, typically between the ages of 25 and 35. Much like the other brands discussed, it sends consistent brand messaging across all marketing platforms (social media, TV spots, sponsorships and radio advertising). Verizon’s key message it aims to achieve is its high-quality reliability, customer service excellence, and superior technology that enables it to provide unprecedented service standards. Its logo centralizes all of its efforts with a recognizable color scheme and font employed across all of its marketing platforms.
Expect More. Pay Less.
Target, one of the largest retail stores in the world, has a logo that holds its iconicity since 1962. Target focuses on the “Target shopping experience” across its marketing platforms. It seeks to distinguish itself as a classy, high-end discount store with exceptional customer service and better quality product than its competitors. Targets consistent color scheme along with their endearing commercials humanize the company and make it natural for customers to find themselves developing loyalty to the brand. Brand consistency is absolutely instrumental when it comes to a healthy development and progression for any size company.
It’s important to consistently take direction from companies like these and see what brand consistency can do for you and your business!
At beMarketing we specialize in creating and implementing a strong brand consistency plan for any type of business. Get your business seen and, most importantly, remembered by potential and loyal consumers. Call Brandon today at 484-351-8820.