In today’s fast-paced society, it’s hard to keep track of what is most effective when marketing, especially on social media. Right now, the most important things to utilize when marketing on social media platforms are # and ????.
Hashtags are extremely important when it comes to advertising for any industry or an event. In case you are somehow unaware of what a hashtag is, it is a word or phrase following the ‘#’ symbol. The key to using these is to simply get a hashtag trending then the advertising is done FOR you.
Say you are following a person who uses a hashtag associated with a product or service that you are currently looking for. You can click on, or search, that hashtag and see dozens or hundreds of those that may be business’ selling that product or providing that service. From there you can select which business to choose based upon the creativity of their tweet, by having a prior relationship with that business, or interest piqued by a first impression of a business. Using a hashtag boosts interest to users because it’s not just a company talking about a promotion anymore—it feels relatable and personal. It also creates popularity in a product, service or event if enough users use the same hashtag, making it “trending”. Interestingly enough, Tweets with hashtags receive 2 times more engagement than those without hashtags, and Tweets with at least 1 hashtag are 55% more likely to be retweeted.
Hashtags can be used on many different mediums. The most popular are:
• Instagram
• Twitter
• Facebook,
• Tumblr,
• Google+.
Emojis are tiny pictures that can be typed just like letters when delivering a message online. Emojis were released in the Unicode Standard in 2010, making emojis able to be encoded in text messages. It is hard to convey the emotion behind messages online, but emoji’s have made that problem slightly easier. For that reason, they are extremely popular and can cause people reading your posts to feel as though they relate more easily and be more susceptible to your messages. Emojis add a personal and relatable touch to your message.
Both emojis and hashtags are essential to modern social media marketing. At beMarketing, we are experts on how to use these essentially necessary tools. Give Brandon a call today, and get your brand’s messages across in the most efficient and recognizable way; 484-351-8820.