What is your social media marketing plan for 2021? Do you have an idea of what to change or what you want to capitalize on? As we begin to wrap up 2020 and finalize plans for the New Year, it’s important to take time to look at your social media data over the past year and formulate your strategy based on your results. Although we cannot see into the future of social media marketing, we can accurately apply our findings over the year and create a strong social media marketing plan that helps to generate more leads, obtain more followers, and bring more business back to your company. Take a look at our highlighted social media management tips and concepts that your business should focus on when it comes to social media for 2021:

Continue to Push Company Value

We’re not only talking about projecting your core values and ideologies on your social media platforms. Ask yourself this question: “what is valuable to our customers and are we portraying that on our social media platforms to the best of our ability?” We already have an understanding that the realm of social media marketing is crowded with a plethora of content that consumers are subjected to on a daily basis. 

One of our critical social media tips for business is to continue relaying to your followers any valuable updates about your products or services. Customers admit to following brands on social media to stay in the loop about new products and services that companies offer, which means your social media plan going into 2021 should consist of insightful information about new features and pushing the message that your services are valuable to your followers. While fun, interactive content is enjoyable and aims to boost follower engagement, keep the question of value in mind!

Turn Attention to Your Online Presence

It comes as no surprise that 97% of consumers search online for local businesses and rely on ratings, reviews, and even the way brands communicate with their followers to make the decision to use a brand’s services or products. Keep up with your online reputation diligently going into 2021! 

Customers will hesitate to contact your company if there are questions left unanswered or negative reviews not addressed and your followers may chalk it up to poor customer service. Your customers want you to engage with them when they need answers, even if you may not have one right off the bat. Let them know that you hear them and care about their needs. The best way to foster customer loyalty is to be consistent with your online presence.

Lights, Camera, Get Real Results with Video Content!

Nowadays, video content is on a steady rise, with 87% of video marketers reporting an increase in traffic to their websites thanks to video content. An important social media tip for businesses that you should consider is increasing video content to increase follower engagement. Take some time to go back and look at your social media postings over the year. What worked well? What didn’t generate the engagement you had hoped for? Can you turn some content into a video instead of putting all the information in the caption for a Facebook post? At the end of the day, it’s all about ROI and how you can convince your customers to use your products or services over your competitors.

SEO and Organic Social Are the New Dynamic Duo

Last month, Instagram released to users that their platform will aim to promote searches more than ever before through SEO purposes. In summary, certain keywords will trigger relevant content, making the need for SEO knowledge and usage dominant in 2021. Rather than completely changing your social media strategy going into the new year to generate the leads you desire, be aware of these platform updates and pay attention to keywords that you can incorporate into your own social media strategy. If SEO is something you aren’t too familiar with, turning to a professional SEO marketing company to assist your social media strategy is a fantastic way to get started in the new year. 

A brand new year opens up the possibilities to take your social network marketing strategy to the next level. While keeping all the above social media factors in mind going into 2021, hiring an expert team of marketing professionals will help you to generate the following you deserve. 

At beMarketing, we consistently stay up to date with industry trends to help our clients get the results they need. For more social media management tips and additional help building your social media, contact us today.