There is no greater role in society that represents the “American Dream” than the entrepreneur. 

These small business owners have been courageous enough to make this leap of faith with tremendous confidence in their business ideology or their professional services. Because of that faith, these individuals are no strangers to the never-ending roller coaster ride known as owning your own business. This year in particular, however, it seems like that roller coaster has experienced a permanent malfunction. 

Storefronts have closed, staff members have been slashed, and the masses are more resilient now than ever to interact with other humans. While “social distancing” has become an everyday part of our new vocabulary, people are interacting with anything but “distantly” through computers and mobile phones. For your small business to excel in this digital world, you’ll need a website upgrade that appropriately represents your company identity. Take a look below to find a list of reasons why updating your website is so crucial to business prosperity, and also stay tuned for a special announcement at the end! 

The Visuals: 

Your website is essentially a reflection of your business to all of those interacting virtually. It’s not enough for your website to simply contain relevant information, it needs to show off some awesome images, multiple pages that are easy to navigate, and a sleek, modern design that truly catches the eye. An antiquated website sets the example that your business is similarly outdated and not performing on the cutting edge of your industry. 

The Content: 

When it comes to website development, content is king. A great feature of an updated website is the newfound ability to showcase your company as a thought leader within the industry. Craft blogs that highlight the abundance of knowledge and advice you hold in your specialties. Utilize the search engine software that allows your content to rank higher within Google searches and reach the people in your areas before your competitors do! 

The Functionality: 

Your website needs to be simple to use for both the tech-inclined millennials and the less digitally-adept generations. When your website is slow and unresponsive, you’re essentially turning down potential customers before they even get to understand your business. You can similarly design your website to enhance the user’s mobile experience, as Americans spend nearly 6 hours on their phones daily.

At beMarketing, we’ve seen first hand the impact that an incredible website upgrade can have on business. Our portfolio spans from small businesses to major franchises, and with each new website project, we deliver a comprehensive, personalized design that works best for the specific client. We credit our ability to produce fantastic sites to our multifaceted team, who we call “The Hive.” From content creators delivering meaningful copy, to design teams creating impactful layouts, imagery, and functionality, we’re a full-service team dedicated to your business and its digital success. 

As a digital agency that’s been fortunate enough to experience growth, (both for ourselves and for our clients), during this difficult time, we’re excited to announce a new initiative to give back to the community. beMarketing is currently offering a free website giveaway to small businesses in our area that experienced turmoil during the COVID-19 pandemic! We’re asking local businesses to share their stories for a chance to win a stunning website designed by our team. Are YOU interested in getting your marketing kick-started? Enter your business here today!